O FIO DA MEADA (com que eu vou tecendo a vida...)

Esse blog tem de tudo um pouco(talvez um pouco a mais sobre tricô),e espero poder dividir algumas coisas que acontecem comigo e do que eu faço,com vocês. Bem-vinda(o)s ao meu cantinho!

segunda-feira, outubro 03, 2005



    Pegue também seu award!

        adopt your own virtual pet!


              Which Peanuts Character are You/Rosi-You are Marcie!

                brought to you by QuizillaSchroeder
                Which Peanuts Character are You?Nicolas,You are Schroeder!

                brought to you by Quizilla

                  What City Do You Belong In?

                    You Belong in Paris

                    Rosi-Stylish and a little sassy, you were meant for Paris.
                    The art, the fashion, the wine, the men!
                    Whether you're enjoying the cafe life or a beautiful park...
                    You'll love living in the most chic place on earth.

                    Which Flower are You?

                      Rosi-You are a Rose:

                      You are creative, sensual, passionate, and bold.
                      You pour your heart into everything that you
                      do. Alluring and gifted with strong sex appeal,
                      you very easily draw people in with your animal

                      Symbolsim: The rose has always been a flower
                      heavily loaded with symbolism. In general it
                      symbolizes desire, passion, beauty, and

                      brought to you by Quizilla

                        Robotic Organism Skilled in Mathematics, Accurate Repair and Immediate Exploration

                        Networked Intelligent Construct Optimized for Logical Assassination and Sabotage

                        Lifeform Optimized for Repair, Efficient Nullification and Zealous Observation

                        Artificial Robotic Infiltration and Exploration Lifeform

                          posted by Rosi | 7:59 PM


                          Anonymous Anônimo said...

                          Rosi eu acho que estou mais contente que vc por ter visitado oseu blog! "PARABÉNS" ele é de primeira. Continue assim embora eu não sei como funcione mais deve dar o maior trabalho, e eu dou muito valor. Desejo a vc e a sua família tudo de bom.Bjs.....de sua nova admiradora .

                          sáb. jul. 22, 08:25:00 PM 2006  

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